Customize Cornerstone in Minutes

If you're ready to make Cornerstone look and work best for your organization, LMS Interface Designer can help.

Effortlessly Control Design and Features

Unlock the power of effortless customization with our solution. Toggle designs and features with a a single click – no coding required. Say goodbye to complexity, and hello to simplicity.

Transform Ideas into Reality

Turn your vision into reality in a matter of minutes, not days. Our intuitive interface allows you to effortlessly update designs and features. No more waiting for lengthy implementations. All it takes is a single tag added to Google Tag Manager.

Expanding Template Library, Infinite Possibilities

Explore our continually expanding template library to enhance your portal experience. From customizing the Learner Home to modernizing the look of evaluations, making form fields required, and embedding deeplinks within learning detail pages, our growing collection offers endless possibilities to elevate your LMS experience.


Try LMS Interface Designer Starter free for 14 days, no credit card required.


For individuals or team just getting started with sales.

  • 5 Building Blocks per Environment
  • 1 Administrator



For teams that need to create sales plans with confidence.

  • 20 Building Blocks per Environment
  • 3 Administrators
  • 20 Lite Administrators



For teams that need additional security, control, and support.

  • Unlimited Building Blocks per Environment
  • 10 Administrators
  • 50 Lite Administrators


Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs)

LMS Interface Designer supports the ability to separate blocks into Stage, Pilot, and Production environments. This allows administrators to test features before adding them to Production for their user base to see. To implement, an administrator would add the LMS Interface Designer environment-specific tag into that Cornerstone environment's Google Tag Manager.


For example, the Stage tag in LMS Interface Designer would be placed in the Google Tag Manager account for the Cornerstone Stage portal.

Administrators can create and edit blocks in any environment. There is also a super administrator in every LMS Interface Designer account. That super administrator can add administrators and lite administrators up to the allowed number based on the subscribed plan. That user can also see the activity log for all create and edit actions taken.

Lite administrators can edit blocks that they have been given permission to edit by an administrator.

Follow our Help Center instructions for how to enable Google Tag Manager in Cornerstone here.

Follow our Help Center instructions for how to install the LMS Interface Designer tag in Google Tag Manager here.

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LMS Interface Designer

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